Warning: Some of these techniques are so effective they're banned from being taught...
Just think of all the leads that need closing… or missed opportunities costing your business… or wasted time crafting that genius email that never got to see the light of day...
Now, go ahead and crack a smile. Because your comeback starts right now.
And it’s all so simple, anyone can do it — why more "sales leaders" aren’t talking about this baffles me.
Not a word from fourtune 500 companies fortune and startups… radio silence from "3x presidents club salesperson of the year" . And nada from "closers"
And yet…
This secret "Email Espionage" process you’re about to discover is unique in its ability to target the hidden causes of landing in spam and missing the main inbox that could finally explain…
Why getting cold email reply rates are so bad…
Why you feel like your wasting your time writing a cold email…
And why landing in the “main inbox” seems to be about as elusive as Big Foot.
So, please… take the following story to heart while I’m still telling it in such a public forum…
From almost losing the business to breaking records
It was 1 month after helping this guy out with his cold emails…
"I'm gonna have to fire some of my staff and its your fault..."
Now, most people would have been mortified. But, I couldn’t have been happier.
Because he was right. It was because of me.
He got more replies… more meetings… more sales … and got better results with less work. Most importantly…
His emails where no longer landing in spam. It was obvious from the minute he started hitting send:
He got more responses in 3 weeks than the last 6 months combined.
And it was all thanks to a strange encounter I had with strange man 3 years prior.
But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Please…
Let me give you some context before you jump to any conclusions…
My name is BowTiedSystems. I’m a salesman and sales systems expert. And for quite sometime I was dealing with sales fatigue leading me to…
Thinking About Quitting Sales
It sucked.
I wasn't getting meetings.
I was working 10 hours a day just to get 4 meetings a month (on a good month).
I even dreaded getting meetings… because I was afraid they wouldnt be qualified (window shoppers)… and i'd get my hopes up for nothing.
I could feel a tension in my finger each time I clicked send. It was like my body teasing me this might be a cold email that disappears into the abyss.
So, I’d procrastinate hours spending hours writing the "perfect" cold emails that would "guarantee" they'd respond.
Anyways, I really held back my potential..
I avoided all kinds of sales activities that used to come easy because I didn't want to feel like I was screaming into the abyss. For a guy that prides himself on his sales results, thats a tough pill to swallow.
But, that’s not the worst part because…
Nothing Seemed To Help The Fatigue
Every expert or sales coach I talked to recommended something different…
Send early in the day, use long paragraphs, keep it short, send late in the day, add images, get 50% open rates then fix the body, never use images, don't make it sound salesy, send 50 followups… and the list goes on and on.
Some of it sounded like a “too good to be true” fix. Some seemed contradictory. Much of it did nothing at all.
The little that did help, only did so for a time. Thing is…
I always returned to basline, and in exactly the same way.
The low reply rates… and the lack of meetings… and the fatigue didn't get better.
Most weeks felt like I needed a clone of myself just to make it through.
And you want to know something?
All those experts that were so confident before, started singing a different tune:
“You emails are as good as it’s going to get”…
“This is just your market, get used to it”…
“Welcome to sales, buddy”…
I was frustrated. Stuck. And convinced the rest of my career was going to be one of low performance and spinning my wheels. But, then something unbelievable happened…
Almost By Accident I Met A Strange Man
His name is David.
And he had this “strange” way about selling.
For starters, it felt like he was looking through my sales process… not really at it. And yet…
He could pinpoint instantly… just from the way I was describing my problems… how my cold email system was setup and the pain points. I didn't even tell or show him how It was setup.
He rattled them off like a shopping list.
It was a little eerie… and I didn’t know what to make of him… but, frankly…
I Wasn’t Prepared For What He Told Me Next…
“…and its not your cold emails that are the problem but how your sending them.”
What?!? Now I knew he was a total quack…
I’d spent 5+ years at that point living and breathing Sales…
Do you know how important it is to craft a good cold email to capture their attention and get them interested to get a meeting?
Not to mention the crazy amount of prospect research to make it relevant…
“No, really,” he said.
“Look at my cold email dashboard…”
He opened his laptop and clicked his analytics dashboard and BOOM!
He had an 18% reply rate
It was like something out of The Wolf On Wallstreet. Yet he was the farthest thing from Jordan Belfort
“This is what happens when you fix your cold email infrastructure.”, he said.
I was speechless.
David simply showed me how he set it up, and gave me the strangest sequence actions to do.
They seemed too simple to make a difference. And some of them looked too silly to take seriously.
But, I had nothing to lose by trying them.
And guess what?
3 weeks later It worked!
Not only was I getting more replies. But I was booking more meetings… and got rid of my sales fatigue.
I felt insipered and energized. I felt like I was a new person.
My business partner was shocked. This wasn’t the same person he worked with 3 weeks ago.
“This is a significant upgrade!”
And the business grew far faster than expected.
Fast forward to almost a 1 year later…
I was selling like I was The Wolf On Wallstreet. I started my day first thing in the morning by replying to interested leads. I even had to stop sending so many cold emails because we couldnt keep up with the demand. And the best part is…
I’ve Never Had Another One of
Those “Am I screaming into the abyss?” Experiences Ever Again
And do you know what I do anytime I’m feeling like i'm wasting my time and not getting results?
I just do that strange sequence of actions again to my cold email system and I’m good to go.
I moved states not long after meeting David, and it's been years since we met in person. We only get together occasionally on a call.
We’d be talking about cold emails, and I’d say something like, “I have a client that just came to me and they want me to fix their cold email infrastructure.”
“Are they sending from 1 email provider,” he’d say, “and did they configure their DNS records correctly?”
We'd laugh and then conclude theres a simple fix for them to implement, and then I’d tell him later how it went. And guess what?
This simple assessment always revealed exactly where their problem was, and exactly which of the Email Espionage sequence actions to take — if you can really call them that — I should use to sort it out.
This “Email Espionage Process”
Has Never Failed
I know that sounds like magic… and it often feels like magic too… — especially when go from .05% reply rates to 10%+ in mere weeks — but I swear…
The simple fact is…
15+ years Of Sending Cold Emails
Gave David An Incredible
Eye For Exactly Where The
REAL Problem Is
Truth is, it didn’t matter if he was helping startups, large fortune 500 corporations, or small agencies...
David noticed the cause of his clients problems was almost always the same:
A Poor Cold Email Infrastructure.
Cold Email Infrastructure is a foundational part of sending emails .
Your cold email infrastructure is the foundation from which all your cold emails get sent from. Without it you're simply sending emails into the abyss. A poor foundation will bring even the best sales organizations to their knees.
It’s the single most important part of about sending emails it allows you to...
“…stay out of promotions folders, ensure your emails get delived and cloaks your emails in spam filter proof disguise— all without ever having to think about it.”
But like a lot of business advantages in today’s day and age (competitors stealing your sales process and competing with you on price or them launching a new product)… it can easily go haywire.
You see, cold email infrastructure has a dark side mainstream sales and business leaders never talk about…
Email Infrastructure Can
Make Or Break You
How so? Well…
First, let’s be clear on something:
Email infrastructure is NOT going to make up for poorly written cold emails.
There’s no such thing.
Fact of the matter is…
Cold email infrastructure just makes sure the recipient gets your email .
See, when you send an email — Email Service Providers (ESP) runs that email through a closly gaurded proprietary system composed of advanced filters, AI, and neural networks to figure out if your email is spam or legitimate.
It’s this proprietary system that tells them how to treat your email.… if it determines you're spam or belong in a different folder then it categorizes your email as such. And it does it automatically… without you having any say...
There's a huge advantage to this proprietary system. It makes sure your email inboxs aren’t filled with spam.
But here’s the catch…
Its gone overboard nowdays… and has trouble figuring out what is actually spam and with the advent of widely available Artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT to write spam emails, its going to get alot worse. This means…
You have to fight the system to get your email delivered!
In other words…
If you dont proactively combat the spam filters… regardless if you send 1 or 10,000 emails per day you'll land in spam …
Send a few too many emails without doing this… and that’s where things can go painfully wrong…
The Dark Side Of Cold Emailing No One Ever Tells
You About
This has long been misunderstood by sales leaders, CEOs and sales organizations for a very long time.
So here’s as simply and clearly as I can put it:
Bad email infrastructure is the root cause of *most* of your cold emailing problems.
Your emails simply arent getting seen.
And so you spend more time writing the "perfect" cold email in vain.
And since companies don't understand this they put pressure on salespeople to send more emails.
This Has Several Side Effects
That Can Keep You Locked In A
Nasty Cycle of Pain And Frustration
For starters…
Salespeople spend all day sending cold emails “working”…
This drains your energy to cold call and sell.
This also puts excessive strain on yourself to "work" harder since you're not getting the results you want.
But this is in vain. Since your not getting email replies positive or negative you don't have any feedback to improve on. So you're simply guessing what *might* work.
This explains why you can feel exhausted when you start the day even though haven’t started “working” yet… or why you can feel like a robot just going through the motions
Second, chronically stressed salespeople act more desperate when they do get meetings...
Resulting in neediness… loss of frame… and losing the deal. And…
Finally, it casues you to make more mistakes…
Causing you to HATE sales.
After all who wants to do something they keep failing at?
Then it...
It’s Putting Your Mind In A Stressed State
While you “Work”… 24/7!
No wonder cold emailing gets such a bad rep since 90% of what you send never sees the light of day.
Or why no matter how much you work it feels like its never gonna get better..
Doesn’t matter whether you find the perfect lead… work 12 hours a day… or pay someone to write you the best cold email template ever crafted.
Your emails will land in spam if you don't set up the proper cold email infrastructure.
It took me a long time to really “get” this concept. But, it finally explained why getting “10%+ reply rates” was so hard to find…
Beware Of Common Tricks That
Promise “Increasing Your Reply Rates”
Crafting good cold emails or sending from your personal email can be useful for helping you to get by.
So can getting an sending emails on sunday night or a keeping your emails short.
Thing is…
They’ll rarely deliver you a significant increase in replies.
The reason why is simple:
They don’t address overcoming the spam filters. Some not at all. Others in an incomplete fashion.
That’s why my email espionage system is unique.
Think of a mystery puzzle box.
Unlocking it requires the right sequence of twists and turns. Otherwise you’ll spend eternity driving yourself nuts.
Unraveling complex cold email infrastructure is just like that.
It requires a specific sequence of
actions… of “twists
and turns,” in a sense.
In fact, these twists and turns worked so well that I started sharing them with my friends so it could help them, too.
I admit this did eventually cause problems…
I simply had too many people getting referred to me to keep up with.
I thought about this for a moment.
I knew that this email espionage “puzzle box” system I created with the help of David during our combained 20+ years of cold emailing experience almost acts like a Cold-Email-System in a box.
And our unique sequence of actions could be shown on video while I hold your hand through the entire process.
I’d been publishing sales systems info for awhile now, and I had a very clear idea of how to make it work.
“I’ll create the program, this is needed” I said
And now, I’m happy to recommend it to you, if you’re interested…
The Simple Email Espionage system
Proven to Transform Ineffective, Poor Performing
Cold emails Into An “Unstoppable Force”
And More Effective Than Ever
You’ll be surprised to discover the tools I've given you with Email Espionage can also serve as feedback to tell you what Cold emails can actually do for your business .
That’s especially true of the short (but powerful) “Monitoring Your Domain Reputation ” module you’re getting access to…
If you’re getting significantly lower reply rates one day than the very same day, you can figure out what caused it and take measures to fix the specific cause giving you problems.
You’ll find that you get better and faster results by addressing those problems immediately instead of waiting until it effects the rest of your emails.
That’s a super power I would have done almost anything to acquire when I started out cold emailing. And it’s a primary reason why my private clients now pay a premium for even thirty minutes of my time.
When you experience Email Espionage for yourself you’ll know EXACTLY why. Which is why I have put together a very special package for you to get started with right now…
Here’s What You’re Getting…
Email Espionage Modules
Each conveniently dedicated to the most common problem areas: Setting up email accounts , DNS records and your cold email sending software.
This covers your entire cold email infrastructure — Front to back, Head to toes, Start to finish, beginning to end… you name it.
The videos within are all simple and can be done in half a day
I know you will want to jump straight to an area you consider your problem and get to work. And that’s great. But…
You'll can set yourself up for accelerated success if you start with the first section on buying/setting up domains and working your way slowly down until the end.
Scroll through the first few modules of the course and you’ll discover:
The Secret To Managing Email Deliverability that ensures you'll land in the main inbox and out of spam Including…
The “Domain check test” for making sure your domains are properly configured…
The simple “Email-check” that alows you to check the words in your email so you won’t needless land in spam due to words that trigger spam filters
The “Custom Tracker” trick that can boost your deliverability up to 30% just by itself! So you can track email opens without sacrificing your deliverability
The 3-Lesson Module On How To Sneak Past Spam Filters where I share my best cold email practices to cloak your emails so you sneak past spam filters. Including…
The best follow up cadences to ensure you're always at the top of their inbox without sending too many emails…
A never before shared "Pattern" for email sending that tricks spam filters into thinking its a human and not a software sending emails
How to validate your emails before sending (instead of getting high bounce rates which decreases your domain reputation)
And a whole treasure trove more secrets to fine-tune your “Faulty cold email habits”!
If there’s a downside to not being able to learn in-person it’s this:
How do you know if you’re really doing the setup right or not? That’s why I’m giving you this video library.
Every single “Email Espionage Sequence” is covered — including the short and sweet “Setting up your email providers” section.
You’ll be coached through all of the finer points of setting up your email provider to know exactly what settings to turn on and which to turn off… and what you should be testing every step of the way.
I also cover "How to setup and use your email sending software" like SmartLead & Instantly where I go into great detail on how each software works from setting up a campaign to turning on the best settings for maximum deliverability.
And I have a video series dedicated to "Monitoring your domain health and deliverability". So you can sit back and never have to worry about if your emails are landing in spam. It's all automatic!
The best part is you’ll pick them up in just a few short minutes. Between these videos and the written lessons, you’ll never question have a question around if your landing in spam or the main inbox!
There's over 20+ videos & lessons inside!
How to buy and Manage domains
How to set up MX, SPF, DKIM & DMARC records
How to Configure Instantly & SmartLead for Maximum Deliverability
How To Check Domain Reputation
How To Fix Your Domain Reputation
How To Set Up Automatic Domain Reputation Monitoring
How To Setup Custom Domain Tracking
How To Setup Email Health Monitoring
And More!
You have to ask yourself…
What’s it worth for YOU to consistently get high reply rates?
To get more meetings and the results you’re after… with total confidence… your emails are getting delivered?
Imagine turning back the clock on your career or business to a time when you were just starting out and haven’t had to worry about your emails getting seen, or...
Of never guessing if its your product thats the problem and why you're not getting results…
Or if its really the cold email content which was the problem…
Not being that guy that "Has Potential" to be able to [fill in the blank with something pretty impressive, if you know what I mean]…
Now I’m not saying I can turn you into the Presidents club or make it on fortune's 1000 fastest growing companies list… after all you still have to write good cold emails... but I’m willing to bet Email Espionage can make you feel like you’ve just hit the sales jackpot. Which is why I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started.
Instead of spending the time trying to research this stuff online… or having to pay for one expensive seminar, workshop, consulting package after another to finally “get it”… you can…
Learn These Cold Email Espionage Secrets In Just An Hour Or Two And Without Even Leaving Your Chair!
That’s right…
If you’d like to know an almost magical process for beating the spam filters… how to be stop landing in the promotions folder… and finally eliminate your most troublesome cold email delivery problems… and do it in the fastest way possible… you have every reason in the world to be excited about this.
So, look, here’s the deal:
Email Espionage costs just $297. I could charge five times that and the price would still be justified based on the results it delivers. However…
I’ve seen how this material can change lives. I know what it’s done for mine. Which is why I want to make it as affordable as possible to as many people as possible.
Just One Catch…
I do plan on raising the price. I do this periodically to give people just like you every incentive to act now and let this system go to work for you… and not put it off any longer.
Anyway, the price almost doesn’t matter because the reality is…
How much is yout time worth?
How long would I take you to send one thousand cold emails? 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 Month? 3 Months? A year?
If you're anything like me it would take about 2-3 weeks. Now if 90% of them are landing in spam I just wasted...
Lets say 2 weeks. That's 10 working days. There's 8 hours in a workday. Now lets multiply that by my salary at the time which was about $38 an hour.
So 10 x 8 = 80 hours x $38 per hour = $3040 wasted...
And thats not counting missed deals. If we count that the number would seem unrealistic. But I can assure I paid twice that in missed commission checks.
Try calculating that for yourself if you think its too expensive...
Bottom Line Is this:
I don’t know what kind of problems you’re dealing with right now.
Or what kind of mindset you’re in.
But… I DO know one thing…
No matter WHAT you’re doing… the secrets found inside Email Espionage will make you get more get more replies, book more meetings and get more sales with far more ease.
You’ll notice it almost right away. And…
Most folks don’t believe me when I say this. So I prove it to them.
And you can prove it to yourself, too, if you want. It won’t take but a few minutes.
Choice is yours.